Casca (series)

Casca is a series of paperback novels, created and written by author Barry Sadler in 1979. The stories revolve around the life of Casca Rufio Longinus, a soldier in the Roman legions who is cursed by Christ on Golgotha for driving a spear into him. For his efforts Casca was doomed to wander the Earth aimlessly, always as a soldier.

Sadler wrote the first 22 novels before his death in 1989. Two subsequent novels (Casca 23: The Liberator and Casca 24: The Defiant) were written by Paul Dengelegi. The current author, Tony Roberts, has written all the novels since 2006, excluding Casca 29: Immortal Dragon and Casca 33: The Outlaw, which were written by Michael B. Goodwin. To date there are 35 novels in the series. A 36th novel, Casca: The Minuteman, is scheduled to be released in the Autumn of 2011.


Series overview

Casca was first introduced in Casca #1 The Eternal Mercenary. In the years leading up to the fateful moment, little is known except for the odd tantalizing clues in some of the novels. He spent most of his adult life serving the Roman empire in the Legions, and there are some scraps of information about his family. He grew up in the hill country of Etruria, now known as Tuscany, to the north of Rome. The village name was Falerno.[1] When he was a child, he saw the 10th Legion march through his village en route to Gaul. His uncle, Tontine, enlisted into the army under Julius Caesar. His family died of plague and the young Casca burned the family home as a result. He enlisted into the 7th Legion at either Messilia[2] or Livorno.[3] His first battle under the eagle of the 7th was on the German border against the Suevii when 15,000 tribesmen attacked them at dawn. Only 300 made it back into the forests of Germania. He joined the 10th Legion and was sent to Jerusalem where he was assigned to the execution detail for three prisoners, amongst whom was Jesus.

At Golgotha, Casca stabs Jesus with his spear, in an attempt to relieve Jesus of his pain and suffering. Jesus condemns Casca by saying: Soldier, you are content with what you are. Then that you shall remain until we meet again. As I go now to my father, you must one day come to me". Casca did not initially understand what had happened to him until he was condemned to work in labor mines over a 30 year period. There he slowly discovers that he does not age and cannot be killed or seriously wounded. He learns that he is immortal, although he can feel all pain inflicted on his person.

Casca possesses an affinity for spoken languages. He can master most languages that he comes in contact with, including their various dialects, colloquialisms, and sub-tongues. Casca is also superbly skilled in edged weapons. He was first trained as a Roman Legionnaire with the Gladius Iberius sword. He later improved those skills while as a Gladiator in the Circus Maximus. Throughout history Casca has mastered the use of most edged weapons in actual combat.

Casca is easily recognizable by the long facial scar that he possessed. It runs from the side of his eye to his mouth in a crescent shape, giving him a permanent sneer. Casca acquired the scar while trying to shortchange a local prostitute while in the Holy Land, who didn't take kindly to not being paid for services rendered. Over the years many onlookers assume that Casca received the wound while in brave battle; to which Casca just chuckles thinking "If they only knew".

Casca knew some of the most famous people throughout history, including:

Other characters

Dr. Julius Goldman

He was a surgeon in United States Army with the rank of Major, stationed at the 8th Field Hospital in Nha Trang during the Vietnam War. He first met Casca when the latter was brought into the hospital with multiple gunshot wounds and a large mortar shell fragment lodged in his skull and into his brain, which should have been fatal. Dr. Goldman discovered Casca's unusual healing properties and became his biographer and chronicler after hearing his story. He is often visited by Casca for updates on his life and experiences throughout the ages. Dr. Goldman later leaves the Army and establishes his own practice.

As Dr Goldman ages and reaches his mid-70s, he introduces Casca to Danny Landries, the son of his former army comrade, Colonel Bob Landries. Danny first meets Casca in Casca #34: Devil's Horseman and gradually takes over from Goldman as his biographer.

The Brotherhood of the Lamb

The Brotherhood of the Lamb is a fanatical religious sect and sworn enemy of Casca. It is run by an Elder, who oversees the Sect's hierarchy, the Inner Circle. The circle is composed of an Elder and twelve other specially chosen brothers who run the militant religious organization. They preach force and power over traditional virtues of piety and compassion.

The Brotherhood was founded by Izram, a man who called himself the Thirteenth Disciple, in the wake of Jesus' death at the hands of Casca's spear thrust. He purchased the spear from some of Casca's comrades to be used as a relic and symbol for the events on Golgotha. Known as "The Spear of Longinus", the sect worships the spear which forms the central focus at prayer times.

On the most holy of days in the Brotherhood's calendar, the sect recreates the crucifixion, right down to killing one of their 'blessed' brethren who has been selected to act the part of Jesus. Another, usually the Elder, plays the part of Casca, dressed in Roman uniform, who executes 'Jesus' with their holiest relic, the Spear of Longinus.

Izram went into the wilderness for forty days before a revelation came to him: Jesus said to Casca "Soldier, you are content with what you are, so shall you be until we meet again". Therefore he reasoned that when Jesus returned at the Second Coming he would meet Casca. The Brotherhood keeps Casca in their sights until that day; though they may hate Casca for his actions on Golgotha, they must not prevent him from meeting their Lord. Casca Longinus is their path back to Christ and they will stop at nothing in keeping their most hated enemy in their sights for all time. On occasions they inflict severe pain on Casca as punishment for his actions. Once, the Elder Dacort severed Casca's hand for daring to touch the Spear at their monastery in Asia. In Casca #6: The Persian, Rasheed, a minor acolyte, arranges to have Casca burned at the stake, thinking it just punishment for spearing Jesus. In Casca #9: The Sentinel, Elder Gregory murders Casca's adopted son, Demos, and his woman, Ireina, for which Casca crucifies Gregory to death. Casca was also a prisoner of the Brotherhood, in Casca #18: The Cursed and Casca #4: Panzer Soldier. In Casca #28: The Avenger he kills Elder Thassus as part of his mission of vengeance.

In the novel Casca #35: Sword of the Brotherhood, the spear of Longinus is stolen by the Sassanid Persians and Casca is blackmailed into retrieving it.

Known Elders of The Brotherhood of the Lamb:

Titles in the series

By Barry Sadler - The Original Author

By Other Authors After The Death Of Barry Sadler

In other media


In 2004, former Casca author Paul Dengelegi wrote an unauthorized story titled Casca: The Outcast. Without the permission of the Casca publishers, he contracted with Americana Audio to have it published as a three disc audio CD.


  1. ^ Casca 15: The Pirate
  2. ^ Casca 2: God of Death
  3. ^ Casca 1: The Eternal Mercenary

External links